Terms & Conditions of Service

Not Just Steam Cleaning must be notified as soon as possible regarding defects in the clean so that we may comment, inspect and return in a timely manner.

  1. The service guarantee only covers the cleaning of the unsatisfactory items at the property and does not entitle you to have the entire cleaning package or additional items redone.

  2. The service guarantee only covers work provided and booked via Not Just Steam Cleaning; no other services are covered by the Not Just Steam Cleaning service guarantee.

  3. The service guarantee can only be invoked by the person who booked the cleaning service, with the exception of the vacate clean, in which the owner of the property or the real estate agent managing the property may invoke the work guarantee on behalf of the person who booked the service.

  4. The service guarantee is only valid for up to 5 workings days after the date of the cleaning service and under the following conditions:

    1. No building or maintenance work has been carried out at the property during or after the cleaning has been finished, including but not limited to renovation work, flooring replacement/repair, painting and decorating, plumbing or electrical work, and other similar services.

    2. The property has only had minimal and light foot traffic during or after the cleaning; this exclusively excludes, but is not limited to, parties being held or other such large social gatherings at the property, home-open/house viewings, and other such similar activities*.

    3. *This is with exception to vacate cleans in which the property should be vacant on the day of cleaning and continue being vacant afterwards with no person(s) or animal(s) remaining there.

    4. The property has not been left open or unlocked, unattended or has had a security breach and had unwanted patrons enter after the cleaning service.

    5. The property has not been damaged in any way, be this from weather conditions or other acts of nature, accidents by an external party or the person who booked the cleaning, or animals left on the property during or after the cleaning.

  5. The service guarantee will only be honoured on the same clean at the same property up to a maximum of 3 times; after that, Not Just Steam Cleaning will cease to re-attend to the property in dispute of that clean.

  6. The property must be in a liveable condition at the time of the service taking place for the service guarantee to be honoured, this includes but is not limited to, meeting the following criteria:

    1. The property is not excessively damaged, be it cosmetically or structurally.

    2. There are no issues with feral animals, bugs, insects or such at the property.

  7. Not Just Steam Cleaning accepts no responsibility for bonds held back by real estate agents or owners, nor for additional rent charges or other such charges.

If you require further clarification surrounding the terms and conditions of the work guarantee, do not hesitate to contact us on +61431484421 .